Domain .my,,,, registrar transfer
Domains with extensions .my,,,,
Domain name transfer is an invoicing party transfer. Only the Administrative Contact is able to change the invoicing party.
Please follow the steps below to transfer the domain name:
1. Go to
2. Login as Administrative Contact. If forget Username and Password, request for one using the function on the screen;
3. Enter contact code/MyNIC Handle code for user;
4. Click on domain name > Modify Domain;
5. Key in domain name, tick the correspondence extension checkbox and click “search”;
6. Select the domain name and click “Modify”;
7. Tick the “Appoint a New Invoicing Party”
8. Select “Qinetics Solutions Berhad (R039)” as the new invoicing party and confirm the modification;
9. Administrative Contact will be informed of the transfer status and an acknowledgment email will be sent to the relevant contact person.
10. Once the domain name invoicing party has been changed successfully, notify NewMedia Express with an email to
NOTE: ONE year renewal fee required as a domain name will be renewed for one year upon transfer completion.