Domain .my,,, transfer between same registrar

Domains with extensions .my,,,,

1. A reseller transfer authorization email “Reseller Transfer request for <Domain name> – Request Registrant Approval” will be sent to the domain administrative contact’s email address for transfer confirmation;

2. Domain administrator has to read and approve the transfer request within 3 days;

3. If the domain administrator does not approve the transfer within duration given, the transfer will be auto-cancel;

4. A reseller transfer will require 1-4 days to complete;

5. To expedite the process, registrant may contact the losing reseller to approve for the transfer request;

6. Notification email will be sent to partners and registrant on the transfer status.

7. A reseller transfer process will require 2-10 days to complete.

8. One year’s renewal fee is required as a domain name will be renewed for one year upon transfer completion.

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